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Craig Naha

Craig Naha

Vice President, Utilities Delivery, CGI
United States
Craig Naha began his business career with Public Service Electric & Gas in 1988 as an engineer in electric operations and has held various managerial positions within the company. His last years of service with PSE&G were as Division Operations Manager directing the switching, service restoration, dispatching, and maintenance activities for the electric operations department. Mr. Naha became a member of the CGI team in 2001 as an Executive Consultant of Business Process Engineering with responsibilities that included the analysis of utility operations and business processes to improve the implementation of Network, Outage, and Workforce Management solutions. He is currently Vice President of Delivery for the CGI Utilities product portfolio. Mr. Naha holds a B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from Virginia Tech and also earned an M.B.A. in Management from Seton Hall University. He has been a member of IEEE since 1995.