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Marcelo Sandoval

Marcelo Sandoval

CEO, ProsumerGrid, Inc.

Dr. Marcelo Sandoval is co-founder and CEO of ProsumerGrid, Inc. Dr. Sandoval has successfully completed multi-million projects with ARPA-e, EPRI, Sandia, NYSERDA and electric utilities in many states in Integrated Grid+DER Planning, non-wire alternatives and optimal microgrid design. He has over 15 years of experience in electrical engineering focusing on distributed energy resources, power generation, transmission and distribution planning and analysis. He has applied his unique research in Integrated Grid, Renewables and DER Planning, Modeling, Simulation, Valuation and Optimization, to successfully complete impactful projects such as: NYSERDA-Avangrid: Integrated EV and DER Forecasting and Grid Impact Analysis; ARPA-e: DSO Simulation Studio; PREPA & NYSGC: Grid Redesign Study Considering DERs; Sandia National Labs & PREPA: Optimal DER Portfolio Design on Difficult to Restore Puerto Rico Locations Considering Grid and Resiliency Constraints; Southern Company-EPRI: Incorporating Energy Storage in Long-term Resource Planning.
